Healthcare Organizations Meet Goals with Membership Medicine:
Bolster Physician Morale, Improve Retention, Attract New Doctors and Extend Careers
Membership Medicine Takes Off
“It started with just one doctor, someone very well liked, who felt an enormous amount of pressure to serve a large patient panel that was devoted to her. That’s when the snowball began,” said Keith Elgart, Chief Operating Officer at Concierge Choice Physicians (CCP). Elgart was describing how one of the healthcare organizations that works with CCP embarked on a successful blend of traditional medicine and full and blended concierge programs in select primary care practices within their group. The first physician needed to find some space in her schedule where she could practice the kind of personalized, one-to-one medicine that she enjoyed. The organization she was affiliated with had a large number of primary care physicians and sub-specialties with bustling practices throughout a busy metropolitan area. With thousands of patients needing care, the practice administrator could not afford to let a strong, well-respected physician experience burnout. “Physicians like this do more than just care for patients, they inspire younger physicians and set the tone for best practices,” Elgart said. “The last thing this organization wanted was to lose her to private practice or even early retirement.” That’s when they reached out to CCP. The physician was aware of some area doctors who had managed to blend concierge medicine into their traditional practice with a hybrid program known as the “Hybrid Choice™” by CCP. This program allows a physician to block out time in their day to serve patients in their panel who choose to become members, while continuing to see their other patients as before. For select hours of the day, the physician can practice a personalized, relaxed style of medicine while still meeting business goals. The membership fee more than makes up for any decrease in volume care. When her program launched, the organization wasn’t sure what to expect. How would her patients react to this offer? Would there be some accusations of two-tiered care? Instead of complaints, the doctor received sign-ups. Her limited membership program reached capacity before she even launched, and her waiting list grew each month. It turns out, the doctor wasn’t the only one who wanted a more personalized approach to healthcare. Patients were eager to have a stronger doctor/patient relationship, and they were willing to join her membership program to get it. In fact, the demand for the doctor’s program was so great, she eventually converted her entire practice to a successful concierge model. Physicians Take Notice It wasn’t long before other physicians in her group became interested. Practice administrators certainly noticed too. If one doctor could be successful in this blended style of membership medicine, couldn’t others try? They had several strong, young physicians who were also experiencing the same pressure the first doctor faced. They too could use an incentive—both monetarily and personally—to stay motivated. That’s when the next two physicians launched their blended programs. And just like with the first, their limited membership programs hit capacity rather quickly. Both physicians felt this style of medicine is exactly what they needed after coming out of the intense pandemic arena. “If COVID taught us anything, it’s that when patients feel most vulnerable, they want the doctor they know and trust to be there for them.” Just a few short months later, another physician with a similar profile joined, and she quickly sold out her limited membership Hybrid Choice program as well. The Hybrid Choice programs have allowed these physicians to generate bonus revenue, practice a relaxed, more enjoyable form of medicine for part of their day, and also feel valued, with enhanced professional stature. |
Extending Careers with Concierge Care
The organization took a different track with the next doctor who expressed interest. This popular, well-respected physician was nearing retirement age. Not only was he adored by his many patients, but he was an inspiration for the other doctors too, and the organization wanted to keep him for as long as possible. Together with the physician, they decided he would convert his practice entirely to a full model concierge program. This would allow him to remain in the network, supporting his colleagues and continuing to care for patients while generating substantial revenue at a pace he enjoyed with patients who valued him, thereby extending his career. Providing Incentives that Retain and Attract New Physicians Today, more physicians from this organization are on deck to launch a membership model within their practice. From a business perspective, the success of the programs cannot be ignored. An average Hybrid Choice™ model boosts revenue by as much as 30-40%, without having to dismiss current patients or relocate physicians. And with payment structured properly, the programs provide an enormous financial incentive for physicians and healthcare organizations. Other organizations have used their membership medicine programs as a bonus employee benefit. As one group manager said, “Our Hybrid Choice program was an excellent recruitment tool to attract new physicians to our busy group practice. The physicians we interviewed could see how well the programs were working for us and were eager to try concierge medicine themselves.” In a competitive marketplace, the financial incentive that comes from membership medicine programs can easily distinguish a healthcare organization from its competition. It also demonstrates the strength and stability of the group. Programs that Allow Choices, Not Force Changes When it comes to membership medicine and healthcare organizations, it’s critical that the overall business structure remains intact and programs are offered as service options, not a massive change. Physicians don’t need to move to a new, swanky office. Patients are never dismissed. Referral networks remain intact and the practice continues to accept insurance and government programs as before. The membership program gets customized to suit the unique goals of the physicians and the overall organization, whether that means preventing burnout, attracting new physicians, or extending the careers of senior physicians. The right models from CCP make this possible. Because of the flexible nature of our programs and our institution-friendly approach, we are the leading concierge service provider supporting large groups and organizations. We don’t force our own branding, require physicians to commit to long contracts with hooks, or create strict transition schedules. We are able to work with business managers and physicians to determine the paths and the pace with which everyone can be comfortable. As a lead physician from a large group practice said, “CCP’s flexible approach allowed us to pace ourselves and grow when we felt ready. We are fortunate to have an excellent practice manager, staff and patients who see the value Concierge Choice programs bring to our organization.” |
For more information on CCP’s membership medicine programs, contact Keith Elgart, CCP’s Chief Operating Officer at (877) 888-5590 or email [email protected]. You can also visit our physician Resource Room for more information about membership medicine and Concierge Choice Physicians.
For more information on CCP’s membership medicine programs, contact Keith Elgart, CCP’s Chief Operating Officer at (877) 888-5590 or email [email protected]. You can also visit our physician Resource Room for more information about membership medicine and Concierge Choice Physicians.